House hunting begins in Glasgow and Manchester

Both Manchester Student Housing Co-operative (MASH) and Glasgow Student Housing Co-operative (GSHC) are currently engaged in a search for a new home for their co-ops! 

The student co-ops are taking the lead in looking for properties and have been going to house viewings since the start of the academic year.

Once the co-ops have found a viable property, they send it forward to SCH for evaluation where we check the property meets all the required regulations and by-laws. SCH then swiftly works alongside the co-op to work out a financial plan and once agreed SCH can put forward a bid on the property. As of December, bidding has begun on properties in Glasgow, with bids to be made in Manchester early into the new year.

Going to house viewings together has been a great experience which has helped us clarify what we would like for the co-op and building our relationships with each other.

Benito- MASH co-op: On the experience of house hunting in Manchester

Benito, a member of MASH said this about the process: “The housing market in Manchester is hot so it’s been difficult finding viable houses… Despite these challenges, we have recently found a few properties that seem to have lots of potential and are taking a closer look at their viability for the MASH co-op. Going house viewing together has been a great experience which has helped us clarify what we would like for the co-op and building our relationships with each other.”

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