Our share offer has been a great success, we raised £308,875, more than three times our minimum target!
Student Co-op Homes has undertaken a community share issue for buying property across the country to lease to local student housing co-ops groups in need of housing.
Investing in this offer was an opportunity to help grow the student housing co-op movement and through this to expand access to education, to foster co-operation in the younger generation and contribute to a robust co-operative economy.
Student Co-ops Homes and the whole student housing co-op movement are immensely grateful to the 166 investors who supported us!
This offer is now closed but there will be more opportunities to invest in us in the future.

What we want to achieve
There are five student housing co-operatives fully operating in the UK, providing housing to more than 130 students. We want to continue to support the establishment of new student housing co-operatives and to grow the movement!
Student housing co-operatives have been set up in Glasgow, Bristol, Manchester, Leeds, and many other cities all across the UK, but most are struggling to buy property in a fiercely competitive market.
With the money raised from the share offer, Student Co-op Homes acquired its first property in Nottingham in 2020 and will continue to support co-ops across the UK to get a house.
It is our ambition, by 2025 to increase the national capacity of student housing co‑ops from 130 to 400 beds.